Vision is to be a safe place for people with doubts,
questions, and issues.
Our Mission is
to Remove Barriers, Build Bridges and Share
the Love of Jesus.
Simply stated:We
will be a praying, Great Commission Church reaching out to those apart
from Christ
to win, develop, & deploy them into the world as ministers of
Core Values:
1. We value
the truth that there is ONLY ONE GOD Who has
shown Himself in three distinct personalities: FATHER, SON, &
He is the Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer, & Judge of all
humanity. He is the
Source of love, hope, eternal life. He is the Power needed to live a
life that
pleases Him. (2 Corinthians 10:5; Romans 12:1-2; I Corinthians 6:19-20)
2. We value
the truth that there is ONLY ONE WAY TO HEAVEN
and that way is through a personal, life-changing relationship with
Christ. Therefore, we will use every positive means available to engage
and invite them to experience a loving relationship with Jesus. (John
3. We value
THOSE APART FROM CHRIST because God values them.
(Luke 19:10) Therefore, we will use every Christ-honoring means
possible to
seek, win, and disciple the lost, the unchurched, and those who feel
far from
4. We value
THE BIBLE as God's authoritative and accurate
word for salvation and service. (2 Timothy 3:16) Therefore, we will
strive to
teach God's word with accuracy, clarity, and practicality so that the
lost find
life through Jesus Christ and believers are continuously growing in
faith. (2 Peter 1:20-21)
5. We value
WORSHIP that is an acceptable gift to God.
Therefore, our worship style will be celebrative and always strive to
acknowledge God's sovereignty and supreme worth in our lives
individually and
corporately. (Psalm 95:6; Psalm 96; Romans 12:1-2)
6. We value
UNITY around the creativity and vision of the
Leadership Team that God has given us. Therefore, we will support the
Leadership Team as a gift from God (Ephesians 4:11-13). Our support
will be
demonstrated through our prayers, our active participation, and our
unconditional love. (I Timothy 5:17; Hebrews 13:7, 17)
7. We value
TRUTHS OF THE BIBLE in ways that people understand and apply to their
lives. (2 Chronicles 12:32) Therefore, we will constantly evaluate our
of ministry in an effort to maintain cultural relevance, maximum
and a high standard of excellence for building the Kingdom of God.
8. We value GRACE. Grace gives what
we do not deserve and opens the door of heaven. (Romans 5:20; Ephesians
We hold to a GRACE ORIENTATION towards life rather than a legalistic
orientation. (Romans 6:14) Therefore, we will always encourage one
another to
respond to and obey God out of a heart of love and gratitude rather
than a
sense of guilt and condemnation.
9. We value
MISSIONS, locally and globally. We believe that
missions has always begun in the heart of God. God the Father sent His
Son to
provide redemption for the world. The Son sent the Holy Spirit to
equip, empower,
and employ His followers. The Holy Spirit sends the Church to build the
of God. Therefore, the Great Commission will be at the heart of all
that we do
as a church family. We will strive to be a giving, going, growing body
disciples. (Acts 1:8; Matthew 28:18-20)
10. We value
BIBLICAL COMMUNITY (Koinonia) where our members
have the opportunity to minister to and demonstrate love for one
another. (Acts
2:44-46) Therefore, we will encourage all of our members and attenders
commit to and fully participate in worship and in small groups where
they can
develop a sense of community. (2 Timothy 2:14-16; James 1:22-26)
11. We value
(Ephesians 4:11-13) Therefore, we will not only seek to win the lost.
We will also
strive to help our members and all followers of Christ to discover
develop their skills, talents, and spiritual to more effectively
accomplish the
work of our ministry together. (Ephesians 2:10; Philippians 2:13-15)